genetic data analysis and interpretation

Mimamsia offers the following services in the field of life sciences

Identification of causative genetic variants from Whole Exome (WES) and Whole Genome (WGS) next generation sequencing (NGS) data that have previously resulted in negative findings. We particularly focus on real patients with inherited disorders that have undergone a long diagnostic odyssey without any pertinent diagnosis, despite having performed whole exome and whole genome sequencing. Whole genome sequencing contains information regarding the entire genetic makeup of an individual, hence it is obvious that the causative variant is very likely captured with the technology, but is eluding due to either lack of common knowledge or due to limitations in the applied bioinformatics pipeline and other standard employed analysis methods.    

Reevaluate all negative cases and pay only for positive findings.png

The analysis incurs a service charge of 500 Euros only when a positive variant has been identified. When the analysis results in negative findings, no charges are levied. This is our commitment to the patients and physicians who trust us for a solution and our vision towards an outcome based costs in the field of genetic testing.

We have different charges for bulk analysis of datasets for clinical labs. Please contact us directly and we are happy to get in touch with you with further information.