Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request an analysis of a previously performed WES/WGS?

The request for an analysis has to come through a referring physician. The raw data in form of Fastq and/or Bam files need to be requested from the clinical lab where the analysis was previously performed. This data is then uploaded onto our cloud server (details can be obtained by writing to us directly) with the accompanying clinical information and family history for us to be able to analyze with our pipeline.  

Are data sets other than WES/WGS also analyzed by Mimamsia?

No, currently we are only offering this service for analysis of WES/WGS datasets that were negative.

Are there any quality cut-offs where Mimamsia will not analyze the data?

We do our best to analyze all the data that we receive. In rare cases, if the data generated is really suboptimal, then we will inform you as a part of our results. The physician can then request a resequencing of the sample at the preferred lab. 

How are the results obtained?

The results are communicated directly to the referring physician.

Is it true that when the results are negative no charges will be levied?

Yes, Mimamsia upholds the concept of outcome based invoicing. We only charge for cases where we report a positive finding.

What is a typical turnaround time for genetic data analysis?

Typical turn around time is 2-3 weeks.

I am a patient whose whole Exome/Genome Sequencing has resulted in negative findings. What shall I do for Mimamsia to critically reanalyze my case?

Please contact your referring physician. Your physician can always requested the raw sequencing data from the clinical laboratory where the results were previously analyzed. Your physician can then either send us a link to download the data or can upload the data on our server. 

Does Mimamsia issue a clinical report?

The reported data is reviewed by a clinical geneticist, but Mimamsia currently issues only a research report of all the relevant findings. Your referring physician will consult with the original laboratory issuing the negative clinical report with reference to Mimamsia findings. The initial lab is obliged to issue a new report, if the findings are real and were missed. If further experiments may be required to confirm the variants, Mimamsia can suggest some quality reference labs where your samples can be sent for confirmatory testing.